Sharing all my experience as a President, a British Asskicker, and Ghostling


Brits Win First Place in International Stupid Contest


Queen Elizabeth on Her 22nd Birthday

Throughout the Revolution, I oft wondered why the Brits wore red coats in battles they knew would be fought upon green fields. I thought it was maybe because they’re a perpetually cold people, and the red harnessed more heat or something? Today I discovered the real reason. They’re just plain stupid—yes, all of them.

Earlier today some douchebag at Buckingham Palace announced that her royal vagina Queen Elizabeth II was going to receive a 20% pay raise, which would bring her total annual income to $56M. When I heard this, I nearly shat my long johns. When I found out where the money comes from, I could no longer hold the shat back, and I did in fact soil myself. The queen is renting the British people their land back to them.

Apparently, the royal family still owns most of the prime real estate in the country because the British people don’t have the balls to take it back for themselves. This my dears, is incomprehensible. Most people spend their whole lives working to get a few hundred square meters of land to call their own. Elizabeth the Wrinkly got half a country just for passing through her mum’s labia and not dying? I wouldn’t let it stand in my country, and it’s beyond me why the Brits continue to let it happen in theirs. The only conclusion I can make is that they really are as dumb as they look.

Maybe if they paid a little less attention to where David Beckham had dinner last night, and a little more attention to the gross old lady reaching into their back pockets, they could start regaining some of the dignity they lost when me and the boys dispelled them upon the fields of Yorktown circa 1781.

Wait a Second… Did I Just Create the Ultimate Solution to Solve the Middle East Conflict?

This doesn’t make you want to fight. It makes you want a nap.

Whenst I first heard about the concept behind The Melting Pot restaurant chain, I nearly shat my Sunday trousers. An expensive-ass restaurant where you have to cook your own food? Why that’s like going to a brothel just to stroke it. When I made the connection that it was simply a Fondue restaurant, I did a virtual one eighty. Fondueing was one of our greatest pastimes back in in the Continental Congress. It was the one sacred place where people of all ranks could gather round a large vat of boiling cheese or broth to openly discuss the issues of the day in peace. There’s no room for egos round the fondue circle. I dare say there would be no constitution, no bill of rights, and definitely no Louisiana Purchase were it not for Fondue.

As I reminisced about those rare old times, I had a revelation. The Palestinians and Israelis should just sit down at a Melting Pot for an evening, and talk over this “5,000 year-old conflict like gents. While they’re dipping their pumpernickel cubesb into their bubbling bowl of Wisconsin Trio Cheese, they’re going to eventually start talking peace. It’s tough to hold onto angst with such a tantalizing tingle upon the tongue. Seriously, has anyone ever emerged from a Melting Pot as enemies? According to Jannay Brielmier, Manager of the Arlington, VA branch, that answer is a staunch “no”.

That said, I think it’s safe to say we need to get these Israelis and terrorists together for a night at the Melting Pot to end this business once and for all. To do your part in promoting this cause, send a #fonduebrotherhood. Tweet to all you know. Please be sure to do your part. Alone we can make none but splooge puddles. Together we can make a baby. A baby named Peace in the Middle East.

David Rubenstein, I’ll See You in Heaven…Hopefully


God bless this weirdo.

Well, I toiled and toiled and toiled about what my first post should be about upon my great return to the bloggo-digi-space. While I could touch on a number of current stories like our president’s inaction in Syria or the guy who chewed that other guy’s face off in Miami, I have decided on something else—something that has been bothering me for months. That thing? Yes, it’s thanking the great Jewmerican Billionaire David Rubenstein for his donation to the restoration of the me monument. 

As you will no doubt recall, the Great Earthquake of 2011 struck Virginia on a quiet August and rummaged the Eastern Seaboard like a pirate on a native. Among the damage was giant cracks and broken bricks throughout the great monument which bears my name. When I heard ‘bout the forelorn monument, I wept like Jesus in John 11:35. The me monument isn’t just another stupid monument, like the Lincoln one, or that arch in St. Louis. It’s basically our nation’s penis on display for the world to see. It’s how we remind everybody else to suck it on a daily basis. And not in a funny “Stone Cold Steve Austin” way. In creepy R Kelly kind of way.

So when the monument went limp, I thought, “Could this freak quake be the start of the end of our great nation? As I was just about to go petition Jesus to fix it with his Christ magic, I came across the story of great Jewmerican billionaire David Rubenstein. In January, Mr. Rubenstein donated $7.5 Million smackers to this ever-noble cause. Thanks to his donation, work has already started, and the great monument which bears my name is slated to reopen relatively soon.

But here’s the kicker. Since I just did a hard 6 months in hell, I haven’t had a chance to thank Mr. Rubenstein personally. So, I’d like to take this moment to say, “Hey, Mr. Rubenstein. Thank you. I’m not sure whether you have a homoerotic obsession with the building, or with me personally, but either way, I assure you, your good deeds shalt not go unnoticed when you die and have to explain to Jesus why you’re still Jewish. You are a great American. And we are all grateful to you.” 


Like a Bat Outta Hell, I’m Back Baby!

An artist’s rendering of my balls.

Big news bloggophiles. Your favorite forefather with an iMac is back! And I do so everly declare I am ready to tear into pop culture and politics with the same vigor by which I tore through the King’s army circa 1778 ‘pon the Potomac.

I apologize for my unannounced hiatus. I was briefly sent to hell for starting a Ponzi scheme so I could get a hot tub and retractable roof installed in my man cave on Mount Vern. ‘Twas a noble cause, but I got carried away. ‘Twas “my bad” as the Jews and Mormons say upon entering the pearly gates. Luckily, I got released early from hell for good behavior and a bonus point for repeatedly farting on Bin Laden’s soupspoon.

So polish your bifocals and make sure your WiFi can handle a blog with Howitzer brand testicles. I’m back in heaven, and ready to roll tide all over the entire internet.

If Donald Trump is Gonna Make a Joke Out of the Political Process, I’m Gonna Make Some About Him

By your faithful General, George Washington

As my millions of blog readers surely know by now, my feelings about the 2012 republican primary can be summed up in one word: clinicaldepression. I’ve seen better candidates at Mt. Vernon elementary. Cain, perv. Romney, droid. Perry, retard. Bachman, psycho. Palin, AWOL. Gingrich, hypocrite. Paul, not Republican. Santorum, homophobe. Huntsman, who? Exactly. None of the dumbasses listed on the GOP primary ballot should be president of anything, let alone the greatest country ever invented.

I’m not just saying this as a bleeding heart liberal with more white guilt than Wilt Chamberlain. I’m saying it because it’s true. And just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, preposterously pretentious blowhard Donald Trump reared his stupid mashed up face in the door and proved me wrong. Apparently on Dec. 27th, he will be the moderator in a GOP debate hosted by the highly disrespected conservative magazine Newsmax.

Having reality TV show host, real estate tycoon goon, and POSSIBLE INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE Donald Trump moderate a political debate is joke—nay! A terrible joke! If the Donald thinks the one true Ghost of General Washington is going to sit by and let this blowhard make a mockery of the great democracy I so bravely founded, he don’t know nothin’ ‘bout ‘nothin.

Mr. Trump, if you’re gonna make a joke out of my democracy, I’m gonna make some about you. Read em’ and weep Don.

  1. Why’d the chicken cross the road? It was running away from that thing on Donald Trump’s head.
  2. What does Donald Trump like most about himself? Everything. It’s an infinity way tie.
  3. If Donald Trump were a soup, what would he be called? Cream of Media Whore Chowder.
  4. When Donald Trump was born what did the doctor say? Nothing. He was flabbergasted by that thing on his head.
  5. What’s the difference between Donald Trump and Michael Vick’s dogs? Vick’s dogs would actually bite after they barked.
  6. Why does Donald Trump have gold plated toilets? Because that thing on his head doesn’t react well to porcelain.
  7. If Donald Trump were a pilot, what would his call sign be? Captain Obnoxious.
  8. Why does Donald Trump need so many apprentices? He didn’t want to get carpel tunnel syndrome filing all those bankruptcy papers by himself.
  9. If Donald Trump were an Indian Chief, what would his name be? Media Whore With Fox on Head.
  10. What’s the one thing Donald Trump should say to his barber? You’re fired.

Glenn Beck’s New Book On George Washington Gets Scathing Review From the Ghost of George Washington

As the founding father of this great nation of America, I have been biographed by some of the greatest literary and historical minds of our time. McCullough, Zinn, Grisham—you know the club. And had other great writers known about my game back in their day, I’m sure they would’ve written at length about me too. I often envision a Shakespeare play about me entitled Much Ado About A Royal Asskicking or a Tolstoy epic titled War and Your Ass in Pieces.

Along with all those great writers, occasionally a provincial putz will sneak in and write a so-called biography that uses my great story to promote his own crazy agenda. In the literary world this is called Hornswaggling, and it’s akin to a writer being a ‘Bitch’ or ‘Whore’ or ‘Bitchwhore’, or whatever the kids call uncooperative prostitutes these days. My great name has never been more clearly Hornswagled than it is in superpundit Glenn Beck’s new book Being George Washington: The Indispensable Man, as You’ve Never Seen Him.

On a Scale of 1-10 I give it a negative infinity

My initial reaction to seeing the cover was three-fold. First I was like, “Oh snap, as they’ve NEVER seen me? Did he unearth those lewd portraits I posed for whence tripping balls in the summer of 1769? Pat Henry swore he burned them back in ’72. Traitor!” Then I was like, “Hey, wait a second. When you write a biography about someone, isn’t that “someone” generally on the cover, and NOT the author?” Finally I was like, “Who edited this shitbrick? The Ghost of Helen Keller? There’s a damn grammatical error in the title. The comma after “Man”? Helllooooo???? The comma is used to denote a slight pause, of which there is none in this case. See Chicago Style Manual 16th Edition Section 6.11 page 310 bitch.”

As I peeped the summary, I digressed. The reason he says, “As You’ve Never Seen Him Before” isn’t because he has some new dirt on me. It’s because Beck is just just pulling a romanticized retelling of my life straight out of his ass. The book is literally riddled with the oldest hornswaggling tricks in the book: making shit up to support the beliefs of your insane religion. I gotta give it to him though, the little sneaky bastard Beck does do a masterful job of twisting a few elements of my life story and weaving in some sweetass quotes of mine to craft an argument proclaiming that he and I share a common wet dream of turning America into Utah. He says, “…Bullet holes through his clothing. Horses shot out from under him. Unimaginable hardship. Disease. Heroism. Spies and double-agents. And, of course, the unmistakable hand of Divine Providence that guided it all.” Divine Providence? Nice one Glenn. I guess if you go fastball, fastball, fastball, soon enough they’ll start swingin’ at curve balls.

He goes on to call me, “Courageous and principled, fair and just, respectful to all, but also “Flawed.” Objection your honor. The author is inserting opinion here, not fact. Sustained. Nice one your honor. He drivels on to say, “It’s those flaws that should give us hope for today. After all, if Washington had been perfect, then there would be no way to build another one.” What, you mean like a Mormon one? Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I swear to God my life story has been used to try and justify more religions than the God Damn winter solstice.

It was at this point that I put the book in my bathroom basket and decided to use it as toilet paper both to spite Mr. Beck and do my part to promote sustainability. Why in the name of Joseph Smith would you want to build a new George Washington, or a nation of George Washingtons? Just by saying that, it proves Glenn Beck knows nothing about me. I founded this stupid nation so that you could be you and that guy over there can be that guy, and the other guy over there can be him. The fact that we celebrate these differences rather than kill eachother over them is what makes America great.

I totally dig the fact that we got a brotha from anotha motha turnin the white house into the black pantha pad. I love walkin into a Utilitarian Church on a Wednesday afternoon and singing Praise the Lords. This Saturday I’m headed to a gay pride parade wearing nothing but my wig and a tutu. I don’t really dig dick like they do, but I like the fact that they like expressing themselves. Hell, I can’t get enough of the fact that my cab driver can’t understand a word I’m saying, but somehow manages to get me to my hotel. Cause that’s freedom, baby. And in my wet dream for America, it reigns supreme over everything, even your mighty god of Jesus Christ of latter day whatchacallits.

In Conclusion, I give this book negative infinity on a scale of one to ten. If the world runs out of toiletpaper one day this book might come in handy. Other than that, it’s better for all of us if this twisted tale of history stays on the shelf for good.

Tight New Mars Rover Proves We Can Overcome the Idiots in Congress’

Keen Eye. Bad Attitude.

Unless you got run over by a bored NBA player rollin too hard in his Escalade yesterday, you probably know that the congressional supercommittee failed to find a bipartisan solution to cut 1.2 trillion dollas from the national debt. You also know that as a result of this failure, harsh cuts to defense spending and social services are slated to take effect. As the founding father of this bumbling train wreck of a nation, you can imagine how blogdamn pissed off this development made me.

“What?” I blurted out as I saw the story unfold on the TV. “These tards have had three months and come up with a simple plan and they have nothing to offer? Superfuck you supercommittee.” I hurled some more insults as I listened to more deets of the situation, and tried not to get distracted by the midday News reporter’s voluptuous tatas. Once I learned that McCain was going to try and strongarm the automatic changes and further push the situation into a further clustertrunk, I lost it. I said, “Me and my brosephs in the Continental Army didn’t trudge ‘round the Eastern Seaboard fighting the Brits for 8 damn years with a gangrenous bungus and form the greatest nation on earth just so you spoiled congressionals could throw it all away to spite the guy across the aisle. If I’d have known you were that selfish, I would have founded Canada.”

Just as I was about to unleash a really well crafted tirade comparing the supercommittee members to a family of illiterate Memphis loyalists my men once hunted for sport, I heard another news story that immediately grappled my attention. Apparently, we’re about to launch another go cart on Mars. “What the frick?” I yelled aloud with my arms flailing high above my head. “You mean to tell me that we as a country are smart enough to craft a go cart that we can launch into outer space and land on a super hot ass planet, but we can’t find a way to trim 10% off the deficit without imploding like an Arabian theocracy? Do you know how far away Mars is? Me neither, but I’m pretty sure it’s like driving from Mt. Vern to Boston Harb about four hundred kagillion times in a row.

Suffice it to say, figuring out how to get this go cart all the way to Mars is a ridiculously complicated problem. However, through hard work and unwavering dedication to collective effort, the fine young Asian Americans down at NASA found a way to make it happen. Nee-how boys, you deserve it. I mean, unless the thing hits a duck and crashes over Orlando, nobody’s even gonna die in the process. In my day we couldn’t figure out a way to make so much as a wagon wheel where something didn’t impale someone.

As I reflect upon this revelation with a glass of brandy in one hand and my chin-hairs in the other, I find comfort in the knowledge that while America may currently have 535 idiots in office, there are still approximately 289,999,465 brilliant sons and daughters in this land who are collectively smart enough to solve any problem we face.

I don’t know if we need to make it a requirement that all Congresspeople need to be of Korean descent like NASA scientists, but either way, I am inspired by the idea that right here in the United States, we do have people with the strength, smarts, and power to rise up and work together no matter how big the problem and how ridiculously minimal the reward, such as a Mars go cart that brings back useless rocks. Now, I say it’s high time for all Americans, from Italians, to Asians, to Jews, to Blacks, to Whities, to Inuits, illegals, democrats, republicans, Swedes, Ron Paul people, and even the Irish—come together and forge to do great things to build a better morrow for one and all.

A Blogfollowup Relucto-Port: Am I Really Protesting the Protest?

By Your Faithful General, George Washington

Hola migos. Que tal? I would bid a hardy buenos dias to you millions of blogreaders today as I come to you from the great blogport of San Diego, CA, but I’d be lying. In truth, I should say dios malos amigos. Because for lack of a better palabra, your faithful generalisimo is readily pissed off-o.

You see, I’m in San Diego to witness the greatest sailing race in the history of history: the America’s Cup. For days now I’ve been looking forward to blogging you about how Team America has sent the limey Brits sailing back towards their miserable Isles with their tiny dicks in their hands. But lo! I cannot. First of all, Team America is sucking more wind than they are extrapolating, and secondly, there is a bigger story I must address that is causing me great turmoil in mine ghost tummy. I am talking of course about the violent removal of the Occupy Movement protestors from their camps across the country. As I sit on my balcony at the Marriot and watch the massive racing yachts pass by with the grace of ballerinas and the power of Ron Jeremy’s shaft, I find reluctance in mine thoughts. Because the central thought that keeps ringing through my head is, “OMG. Am I really forming an opinion that is in protest to this protest?”

This is perchance my most difficult blogpost yet out of the entire 20 or so I’ve done, and by far the toughest blogfollowup, because I have only done one other and it was easy. And I am evertorn on this Occupy topic. As I said in my initial post about the Occupiers, I reeeeeeally want to be on board with this thing. Rickets! Could you imagine if I decided to form an Occupy Eternity group here in eternity? It would flip the universe upside down! A true champaign supernova in the sky, and possibly in your pants! But I can’t in good faith get on board the proverbial SS Occupy, because frankly, they don’t seem to have an end-port in sight.

In the beginning, the occupy movement seemed to have the same kind of noble beginning as my revolution. They, like us, were poised stick it to fat cats in fur coats just like we were fixin’ to drive the red coats back to Brittania with their tiny dicks in their hands. Then they started up with this Arab Spring kibbosh, and only like 5 of them were Islams. And whence people were all like, OK dudes, what kind of “change and justice” are you looking for, the list was such a jumbled batch of dookie, it seemed apparent these guys had no plan of attack whatsoever. They couldn’t even answer the simplest of questions. The mainline rhetoric stated that they didn’t like “The System” and that if it wasn’t changed, they were going to “break it”.  Oh? Is that all guys?

And that was in the beginning. Now three months into their occupation, and the Occupiers haven’t so much as figured out where to piss, let alone proposed a realistic solution to America’s war on the greedy. Just last week even, the Occupiers’ most trusted news source, reported that they couldn’t even agree on whether or not to make demands, let alone, which ones they wanted to make. However, their stated goal still remained to “Shut Down Wall Street,” whatever the fuck that means.

Inherently, that is ridiculous. Even if you blocked wall street from foot traffic, they’d probably just chopper in and wonder why they ever bothered with the street in the first place. But for the sake of humoring you, let’s say you do succeed in “shutting down Wall Street.” What then? Sounds to me like you’d be doing nothing more your best impression of Rick Perry: “Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ummmmmmmmm. Uhhhh. Oops.”

While it breaks my no-longer-beating heart to see you bros and sisses get dragged off the streets like Syrians, I am confused as to what the hell else you expected would happen? If we’d have tried that tactic at Lexington and Concord, our boys would’ve swung from the nearest Maple Tree faster than you before you can say “I’m a protestor, and I show my emotion by wiggling my fingers through my cutoff mittens.” That’s why we didn’t start moving on the Brits until we had a solid plan. And we didn’t start shooting until we rallied the states and shoved the constitution up King James royal ass like a cold hard torpedo of truth. The only demand it seems you’re willing to make is that you should be able to block traffic and roast marshmallows on any street you so desire at any time. Sorry, compatriatos. But that’s not protesting for liberty’s sake. That’s just plain old complaining. If you can’t unite amongst yourselves, how do you expect outsiders to line up behind you?”

So, at the end of it all, all things considered, it is with great reluctance that I urge you Occupiers to peacefully roll up your North Face sleeping bags and Coleman thermo-tents that your dads got you with their Vanguard 500 dividends, and return upon the fortnight whence you have figured out exactly what you are protesting, and more importantly, how you want to fix it. If then your cause is deemed noble, I promise that I, along with the rest of the 99%, will hail you as the anti-heroes you so passionately long to be.

Mississippi Lifers, Pick Another Fish to Fry For Chrissakes

Sweet, lovely people of America: Hello. I digitally holla at you today in an ever-frustrated state of capitulation regarding this ‘Personhood’ legislation happening in Mississippi. I heard this story a couple days ago and was all like, “Ya’ll gotta be kidding me.”

Apparently a group of clean-livin’ pro lifers in the dirty south tried to put the concept of personhood to a vote so they could claim that the moment a vagina egg is fertilized by a spermy, it legally becomes a person. Now, as you can imagine, I am a big fan of letting the majority rule. But this is just ricockulous. I mean 4reals, bros. The debate about whence life begins up in the womb has been going on since forever ago. While I don’t know exactly when life truly does start, I do know that it’s a bad idea to let this debate be decided by Larry the Cable Guy’s fan club.

However, aside from the absurdity of the notion that “personhood” should be a legislated subject, I am most frustrated about the fact that my great American peeps are still trying to backdoor the legal system to criminalize abortion at a time like this. The ultimate fate of Roe Vs. Wade is the least of our concerns right now people. That’s like bitching about the wall paper when the goddamn roof is on fire. I mean what the fuck? Can we not link arm in arm as brothers and sisters and rise up to try and make sure our actual born children have a future? Right now in America 99% of the people are protesting in the streets because only 9% of Congress give a shit about them, the President can’t eat dinner without getting his order filibustered, governments around the world are bouncing checks, schools are closing, industries are dying, mother nature’s a whore, Iran’s got it’s finger on the nuke trigger, Israel ‘s got a crazy gleam in their eye, Syria’s killing everyone for the hell of it, and Tom Brady looks like shit so far this season. After we deal with all of these “Big Fish” problems, we can worry about the “Small Fish” ideas like abortion.

“Yeah, well,” you say. “I got a gaul dang homeboy who’s a carpenter, and his name is Jesus H. Christ. He can fix the roof. Plus, I got a cousin’ whose been hangin’ wallpaper for near 10 years. I can cawl him up and have him pickin’ patterns it 20 minutes. So looks like you don’t what the eternal shit yer tawkin abayaout you little ghost bitch. Roll tide.”

“Right, right, right, right,” I say to myself. “I forgot. Your fat sometimes goes to your heads.” Let me re-shape it for you in language you understand. Let’s say ya’ll got some catfish pulled straight from calmin’ shores of Lake Pontchartrain. And it’s goin’ sour cuz yer fridge got stolen by the asshole in charge of the Bank of America. Now, if you don’t eat, you gon die. So, which fish are you gonna throw in that there fryar first? The biggun? Er the little un?

Unless you really are as dumb as you look, I think we can all agree the fattest catfish should get served up on a silver platter before we star a’worryin’ about the uther ones.

This very tactic is the very basis of this whole stupid country’s greatness. During the revolution, it was a seldom situation whereby I actually liked the guy standing next to me. He often smelled of smallpox and urine, and wouldn’t shut the hell up about how much his missed his one true love named Maggie Maloney whom he was forced to leave behind back in County Tyrone. But, for as much as I wanted to punch him right in his stupid mick face, I wrapped mine arms ‘round him and together we stuck it to the British Jeremies in the name of the single greatest thing there is: the Greater Good of the Commonwealth. If you can’t grasp this concept, you shouldn’t be in this country.

Now go forth Americans. Go out today and make not a foe of your countryman, but a brother. A brother who you are free to give a knuckle sandwich at the victory dinner.

Special Blogport Follow Up: Down Goes Cain! Down Goes Cain!

By Your Faithful General, George Washington

Beloved sons and daughters of the super duper nation of which I founded, I hate to say I told you so. But, as it were, I told you so blogdamnit! Ohhhhhhhh! Boooooooom! Eff Yeaaah bros! Suck it haters! As you recall, in my first ever Special Blogport: The Herman Cain edition, I purported that if unlikely GOP frontrunner Herman Cain didn’t slow down his windsprint to the Whitehouse, he’d be eaten alive like a Dahmer victim. Did he listen? Nope. And guess what sons? He got served. His skeletons came screaming out of the closet and kicked him right in his black walnuts.

Apparently, when Cain was CEO of that stupid pizza chain, he had a pension for trying to dip his sausage in the company hot sauce. Not-so-shockingly, his advances repeatedly ended in arbitration. You may not have heard it here first, but you heard right. The man whose campaign slogan was ‘Holier Than Thou’, turned out to be creepy as hell. And that is not good for credibility.

Matters for Chief Pizza Dickhead got decidedly worse as the week continued, primarily because he kept going on TV and lying. First, he claimed he couldn’t “remember” signing sexual harassment settlement papers. Then he played his black joker card and cried racism. Once he was reminded about the black guy in the White House, he started blaming that retarded guy from Texas. Shoot. What’s his name? Oh, yeah. Rick Perry.

Now it’s Friday, and just two weeks after my in-depth blogspecial report, Herman Cain has been reduced to nothing more than another statistic in the annals of bad Republican ideas. He’s wedged right in there with Donald Trump’s hairpiece and the movie Dave.

While I do take orgasmic-esque pleasure in saying ‘I told you so,’ I must admit I am glad Hurricane Herman Cain dissipated before he actually got anywhere near the real election for president of this great nation. If history has taught us anything, it’s that the combination of creep and power always ends badly. Perhaps the good ol’ boys in the grand ol’ party will keep this experience in mind before they head to the polls. By all measures of logic, it is unquestionably the RIGHT thing to do.